We've been working hard on our backend over the past few weeks to enable the import, processing and visualisation of high frequency data. That is, data with a reading intervals down to 1 minute. This covers the output of most smart meters available in the market today, and importantly, half hourly meters that are common place e.g. in larger UK buildings. With this feature, you can now import high frequency readings from CSV (comma separated values) files directly into your meter(s) in EnergyDeck, so no more manual data entry is required. You can use the new feature with any of the premium plans, ie starting at £29/month for the "small" plan that allows you to track up to 2 sites and 20 meters, all of which can be high frequency.
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We're delighted to have been selected for Seedcamp Berlin, taking place May 14-16 at the Bertelsmann residence in Unter den Linden. The 20 startups in attendance are coming from all over Europe, and will spend two days pitching and meeting with 100+ mentors including investors, entrepreneurs and web experts. We're the only energy/sustainability focused company in this web-focused group of startups. Berlin wir kommen!
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It is no secret that communities hold the key to scaling sustainability to new levels. These communities take many different shapes and can include your local neighbourhood, schools, business associations, or a group of organisations in a specific geographical area (or maybe at national level). In EnergyDeck, we call communities 'Groups', which is also the name of the new feature we just launched. With Groups, you can essentially do two things: As a group member, you can compare yourself against benchmarks from the group and see what projects others in the group have implemented (anonymised, as always) As a group administrator, you can - with the permission of group members - view detailed data of the group member sites in your own account
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02 Apr 2012, James Murray, BusinessGreen http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/2165126/energydeck-energy-management-masses-free-software A UK start-up is looking to drive adoption of energy and environmental management software following the launch earlier this month of a free software suite designed to help small and medium-sized firms and public-sector organisations track key environmental metrics. Founded last autumn by Google's former European head of green operations, Benjamin Kott, EnergyDeck provides users with the ability to track and manage their electricity, gas, and water use, and waste production, and also manage projects designed to reduce their environmental impact. In addition, the company will this week update the software to provide users with the ability to track transport and travel-related emissions. EnergyDeck is entering an increasingly crowded market that has seen a host of software firms launch energy and environmental management systems in recent years.
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Sixteen of the UK’s most innovative and fast growing Cleantech companies have earned a place on an entrepreneurial trade mission to San Francisco, with the aim of opening up their business to the US market.
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EnergyDeck, the innovative web based platform that helps organisations save resources and costs, was taken out of private beta today and launched publicly. The app can be accessed at www.energydeck.com. Users can sign up directly and start using it within minutes.
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