The power of communities - now available in EnergyDeck
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The power of communities - now available in EnergyDeck

Benjamin Kott
Author: Benjamin Kott Founder & CEO of Fabriq May 04, 2012

It is no secret that communities hold the key to scaling sustainability to new levels. These communities take many different shapes and can include your local neighbourhood, schools, business associations, or a group of organisations in a specific geographical area (or maybe at national level).

In EnergyDeck, we call communities 'Groups', which is also the name of the new feature we just launched. With Groups, you can essentially do two things:

  • As a group member, you can compare yourself against benchmarks from the group and see what projects others in the group have implemented (anonymised, as always)
  • As a group administrator, you can - with the permission of group members - view detailed data of the group member sites in your own account

Anyone can create and join groups. But only premium users have the possibility to see group members' data (if granted permission).

This latter feature is hence particularly interesting for corporate environments (where the individual members are for instance facility or business managers in distributed offices or shops), or local carbon challenges that are led by a specific organisation. For those organisatons, it means they can do away with cumbersome and quickly outdated spreadsheets, and see how their accounts populate almost "automagically" through the Groups feature.