You know how time goes fast when you're busy doing interesting things? The last month has just whooshed past at EnergyDeck and we released the new features we've been working on earlier this week. This is a quick tour of the most important ones.
Organisation Hierarchy
Any organisation of a certain size has a structure that is not flat. It is important for such organisations to be able to understand their energy data in a way that reflects their internal hierarchy so we added the ability for such customers to do just that. As a picture is worth a thousand words, here is an example of this in action:
As you can see this enables you to have an overall view of your organisation at any level. Where it really comes into its own is in analytics. Below you can see a graph that shows electricity consumption for International offices compared to UK sites:
As the functionality is brand new, there are still a few rough edges and the aggregation options at organisation unit level are limited. We are working on that and if you have ideas, feel free to send us feedback, which brings me to the next subject.
Simplified Feedback Form
Feedback is extremely important to us, both from a functional and a technical perspective. Our new feedback form looks like this:
It's a very simple page and it allows you to classify the type of feedback you want to send.
General Feedback
Use this category for anything that doesn't fit into any of the other ones. You are welcome to send us good or bad feedback. If you think some of out features are done in a way that doesn't help you do your job, please tell us. In the same way, if you really like a particular aspect of the system, tell us too as it gives us guidance as to what works for you.
Feature Request
If there is something that EnergyDeck doesn't do today that you would really like it to do, this is where to tell us about it. The most useful details for us are a description of what you want to do, how you do it today and where are the pain points as this will help us understand how we can build the feature in a way that will really help you.
Technical Issue
Whether you use Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox on Windows, OS-X or Linux or any other combination of a modern operating system and browser, we want you to be able to use EnergyDeck. If you have issues, please tell us and make sure you specify both your operating system and your browser: this is very important for us to reproduce your problem and fix it.
Accessibility Issue
The same goes for accessibility: we don't want you to be accidentally prevented from using EnergyDeck because you use assistive technologies or you have specific requirements. So please tell us about them in as much details as possible.
That was my spring roundup of new features. The next few weeks will be dedicated to polishing the new corporate support, making it easier to use and more comprehensive. We also have a few really exciting things in store around analytics. I won't spoil the surprise and will let you discover it in due course.