Data In, Reports Out: making your data work for you
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Data In, Reports Out: making your data work for you

Bruno Girin
Author: Bruno Girin October 09, 2013

The latest update to EnergyDeck is primarily about data, making it easier to feed raw meter readings into the system at one end and extracting useful high level information at the other end with minimal effort in between.

Data In

The first update is relatively minor but very important if you want to understand how your energy usage correlates to environmental factors: you can now record CO2 or Relative Humidity from relevant sensing equipment. To do this, just create a meter of type "Other" and select the correct type of consumption:

Uploading data is good but having your smart metering devices upload it without you having to do anything is even better. This is why we just updated our AMR setup interface and started adding support for specific devices out of the box: you can now set up an AMR source and the system will provide you with the exact pieces of information to enter in your device in order to connect it.

Today, we support the following devices out of the box:

  • Orsis devices via FTP,
  • Obvius AcquiSuite devices via HTTP,
  • Schneider EGX devices via HTTP or email.

If you would like us to support other types of sensors or AMR devices, get in touch, we'd love to grow this list.

Reports Out

We are making big strides in being able to take data into our system, but what about exporting it back out? Our new reporting capability was released a few weeks ago in a basic form. We just added the ability to add annotations to any report: you can now change the title of it and add comments to the chart of table. The resulting report can then be exported to PDF.

This is just the beginning for reports: we have lots of exciting functionality in store for the next few months on that subject and if there are any types of reports you would like us to support out of the box, please get in touch.

More Granularity

The last change in this release is the ability to see data charts for high frequency meters at a granularity of 5 minutes. As this represents a large amount of data points, this resolution is only available when the chosen period is a single day.

This is it for the latest new features on the platform. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the weeks and months to come.