Considerate Hoteliers and EnergyDeck have joined forces to launch ‘Con-Serve’ a brand new sustainability assessment platform for hotels
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Considerate Hoteliers and EnergyDeck have joined forces to launch ‘Con-Serve’ a brand new sustainability assessment platform for hotels

Michael Charalambous
Author: Michael Charalambous April 04, 2014

Considerate Hoteliers, the UK’s oldest established and only network for responsible hoteliers; and EnergyDeck, an award-winning, crowd-based energy analytics platform, sign a strategic partnership to enable hoteliers around the world to save energy and resources.

For the first time international hoteliers will be able to collaborate and share data via the Con-Serve platform, which allows hotels to dramatically reduce the cost, risk and time it takes to be more environmentally and financially sustainable.

Whilst hotels can save up to 20% of energy usage* through simple measures, it has been historically difficult for midsize and smaller hoteliers to economise on the same level. Traditional approaches to energy tracking and management have relied on cumbersome spreadsheets or legacy tools that are expensive to deploy and difficult to use. The implementation of savings measures has also been hampered because it is difficult for many hoteliers to get access to relevant and independent advice on what projects are most effective for a specific building type and environment.

Considerate Hoteliers will deploy the Con-Serve platform to enable hotel operators and owners to integrate all their energy and resource usage data into one cost effective, easy-to-use tool. Alongside standardised reporting this will also allow owners and operators to not only compare the performance of their hotels with similar building types but also to share best practices and experiences on the most effective methods to reduce energy and resource usage.

Considerate Hoteliers will use their expert industry knowledge and experience to support users of Con-Serve in understanding the results and selecting the most appropriate best-practice measures to make real savings.

In detail, Con-Serve will allow hotel operators to:

  • Calculate the hotel carbon footprint in line with the hotel industry HCMI methodology (energy and water consumption as well as waste production and treatment), given that Con-Serve has integrated all the HCMI required measurements and expanded on them
  • Track energy, water and waste from a number of sources (including meters and utility bills) without the need for spreadsheets
  • View results online, generate and export their own customisable reports and review their performance against benchmarks
  • Compare performance (anonymously) to similar buildings in the Considerate Hoteliers database on Con-Serve and industry standards
  • Demonstrate transparent monitoring and continual improvement in performance of key environmental indicators – a valuable asset in achieving industry accreditations and awards
  • Let operators and owners see what other hotels are doing across the world, how much they are saving and what their return on investments is
  • Share experiences and best practices with others while making significant savings at the same time
  • Track, analyse and share information -- as the number of users grows the tool will become even more useful to everyone thanks to the community approach to saving!


Benjamin Kott, CEO EnergyDeck:

“We are delighted and excited to work with Considerate Hoteliers on this global initiative. Most real estate owners and occupiers don't know how well or poorly their buildings use energy. Consequently many users overspend often thousands of pounds on energy and resources. Crowdsourced benchmarking and best practices give hoteliers a better understanding of how their buildings use energy, how their performance compares to similar structures and what the most cost-effective steps are that can be taken to reduce environmental impact and save money.”

Xenia Hohenlohe, Director of Marketing with CH:

“For us at Considerate Hoteliers Con-Serve is the natural next step in helping hotels make a tangible impact on their Carbon Footprint reduction whilst also saving money – we never forget that businesses have to be viable in order to be sustainable. It will be highly relevant for hotels world-wide and will therefore help the entire industry to set appropriate benchmarks and achieve real changes. We are thrilled to be able to count on the expertise and knowledge of the team and technology of EnergyDeck in order to provide hotels with a truly professional and unique tool.”

*Carbon Trust Hotel and Hospitality Guide


Created in 1991 Considerate Hoteliers is the first established and respected association of like-minded hoteliers, whose purpose it is to encourage, assist, cajole and motivate fellow hoteliers to adopt sustainable, environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices. A list of current members can be found on their web site.

Considerate Hoteliers was re-launched as a Ltd company with a team of sustainability experts and an interactive website platform in 2013.  It is still the only association worldwide to impart the message that care for the environment and social responsibility should form a major part of a responsible hotelier's agenda and has recently extended its services substantially for the benefits of its members. Con-Serve is a major new part of these service offerings.


EnergyDeck offers a single energy analytics platform that enables everyone who owns, occupies or manages a building to save energy. A fraction of the cost of existing tools, EnergyDeck is easy to use, powerful and harnesses the power of big data, benchmarking, crowdsourcing and sharing capabilities to enable typically disconnected users to track and save energy together by

  • Providing a platform that is accessible by a wide range of users
  • Helping users understand the performance of their building(s)
  • Making it easy to not only track energy but also many other consumption metrics
  • Enabling users to learn about best practices in building efficiency
  • Simplifying data acquisition by providing a variety of input options and formats
  • Requiring no or only minimal training and integration

For further information or interviews with EnergyDeck, please contact the EnergyDeck press office on 07557516436 or email

For further information on Considerate Hoteliers please contact: Xenia Hohenlohe on